Friday, September 19, 2008

I almost saw a squirrel die

It was a beautiful end of summer/fall day yesterday as I was walking across campus to catch the bus to my car. I had just finished a 30 question test in less than five minutes and was feeling pretty good about myself...well who wouldn't do well when the professor gives you all the answers. Hes not the brightest crayon in the pack although he thinks hes sunny yellow or fluorescent pink. Just to give you an example of his lack of wisdom, one of the questions on the test was multiple choice and asked what the seven steps to a needs assessment were. A legitimate question, BUT, when we were going over the answers for the test, BEFORE the test lol, he said to us "oh...well theres only one answer on here with seven choices so I won't even tell you what the other choices are." I just looked at him in disbelief.

Anyway back to the story.

So I was walkin along feeling good because I know I just got 100% on my test which will boost my grade and GPA, knowing I'm about to go for a run which will eventually put me in really shape, and just being very positive about the future. Being that fall is approaching and soon after so is winter there are squirrels EVERYWHERE collecting nuts as I happily walk along the sidewalk to the bus stop. As I was planning what to wear on my run since it was a tad chilly outside, I looked up to see a guy on a bike coming towards me. This is a common sight on Penn State campus although I have this theory that they're all drug dealers because they roll one pant leg up all the time...or they just want to be like Joe Pa ;) haha i make myself laugh.

Back to the story again

So this guy on a bike is coming towards me and at the same time a squirrel runs across the sidewalk in front of me and just as the biker is RIGHT next to me the squirrel turns around for some odd reason, maybe because they are demon possessed, and runs right under the tire of this guys bike. The guy starts yelling OMGOSH OMGOSH OMGOSH and I look over and all I see is this tail flying through the air and spinning all around. My first thought was "O my gosh he just ran it over and the wheel flung it through the air. EW I HOPE I DON'T HAVE SQUIRREL BLOOD ON ME!!!" But then It jumped off of the guys body and seriously flew like 6 yards over into some bushes and ran away. hahahahaha like ten people stopped and started laughing hysterically and at this point we all realized that it had NOT gotten ran over but ran up the guys leg JUST in time thus saving his own life and escaping death to beg college students for food with those creepy little eyes one more day.

hahahahaha so funny.

AND this reminded me of when we were playing blurt and kaitlin was reading something about animals that fly and I said "SQUIRREL!" and she laughed really hard at me. Most people would think of a bird but no, i think of squirrels.

Ok enough squirrel talk for the day...and week.

1 comment:

In Christ Alone said...
