Monday, June 30, 2008

First one!

Its really late at night and I should be in bed but I had the urge to create a blog. I've had some things on my mind lately and as I told my friend I feel the need to "rant" but its not so much ranting as it is voicing my very controversial opinion. =) Being that I'm a christian who goes to a secular college I feel that I have VERY different opinions and beliefs than everyone else hence the bolg name counter culture. Since I am very tired and covered in dog hair (my husky does NOT like baths or getting brushed) I'm gonna wrap this up and go to bed. Things to look forward to in the future:
--Why I support "to honor and obey"
--preparing for marriage (haha there are so many weddings this summer and I've just been thinking about it)
--Sex education and the media (i'm also taking summer classes in which we discussed these things and I want to get my opinion out there!)

Alright you fellow bloggers, you all have a wonderful night and we will talk soon =)